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introduction to serect

Submitted by pengda on

Within the National Network Expertise Center (CNER) of RTE, SERECT is the French live-line work expertise center that develops rules on behalf of the Live-Line Work Committee (Comité TST). SERECT has been based in Alsace since its establishment in 1962. SERECT works in conjunction with all RTE network operators, as well as Enedis, Local Distribution Companies (ELD), and overseas electrical systems.

The missions of SERECT are as follows:

  • Supporting the TST committee by conducting studies and maintaining regulatory oversight to develop regulations for live-line work on electrical networks from 220V to 400,000V.
  • Developing methods and designing tools for live-line work.
  • Providing technical support to live-line teams and conducting safety audits for employers.
  • Inspecting TST tools in its reference periodic control center, as well as training and auditing other French periodic control centers.
  • Conducting qualification tests of tools developed for live-line work and investigations to validate work methods on live equipment within its test laboratory.
  • Standardization, particularly through the role of secretary for international (IEC) and European (CENELEC) TST technical standardization committees.

To carry out its missions, SERECT employs 40 staff members across three main job families: test managers who work within SERECT’s laboratories, project managers who conduct studies on relevant phenomena and develop tools in collaboration with over 60 suppliers/research centers, and operational experts who ensure the management of activities through services provided to work teams.

(1) SERECT originally stood for "Section d'Études, de Réalisation et d'Expérimentation pour le Comité TST." It is now a registered trademark.

(2) In the context of its statutory missions, SERECT is jointly designated with the Live-Line Work Committee in the decision of July 1, 1983, which stems from decree 82-167 of February 16, 1982, concerning special measures to ensure the safety of workers against electrical hazards during construction, operation, and maintenance of electrical distribution systems.

Les métiers de SERECT :