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Legal notices

General Terms of Use for the Serect Website

By using the site « », you agree, in their entirety, to all the provisions and conditions mentioned below.

1. RTE Information and Appearances

This site is owned by RTE, a public limited company with a capital of 2,132,285,690 euros, headquartered at Immeuble Window, 7C place du Dôme, 92073 PARIS LA DEFENSE Cedex, registered under number 444 619 258 RCS Nanterre.

You can contact the site administrator by email at the following address :

Publishing Director :
Jean-François MOUGENET, Director of SERECT, the Center of Expertise for LIVE LINE WORK at RTE, the French Transmission System Operator.

Initial design and development :

Website hosting :
Worldline offer dedicated to RTE (CVH) :

Technical developments: Diji Agency:

This site is optimized for the following minimum configuration :
•      Screen : 1024 x 768 Minimum resolution 
•      Browser supporting HTML 5: Microsoft Internet Explorer from version 9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari.

The «» website is accessible 24/7, except in cases of force majeure, computer difficulties, issues related to telecommunications networks, or technical difficulties.
For maintenance reasons, RTE may interrupt access to the site and will strive to notify users in advance.
RTE cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damages that may result from accessing or using the portal, including inaccessibility, data loss, damage, destruction, or viruses that may affect the user's computer equipment, and/or the presence of viruses on its site.
The cost of accessing and browsing the portal « » is the sole responsibility of the user.

2. Protection of Personal Data (PD)

In accordance with the applicable French legislation and the European regulation (GDPR)*, the automated processing of personal data implemented within the portal has been registered in the log maintained by RTE's Data Protection Officer (DPO).
A personal data is defined as any information that allows the direct or indirect identification of a natural person.
By processing of personal data, it should be understood in the sense of the aforementioned texts : any operation or set of operations performed on personal data (PD) regardless of the method used, including the collection, recording, organization, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, communication by transmission, dissemination or any other form of making available, alignment or combination, as well as locking, erasure, or destruction.

(*) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

3. Information on the processing carried out for the operation of the site

To ensure effective information about the processing of personal data necessary for the operation of the site « », RTE provides a processing information sheet. This can be provided upon request from the Data Protection Officer. of RTE (see address in paragraph 3.4).
Personal data collected on this site are subject to processing for which the data controller, in the sense of the 'Informatique et Libertés' law, is Louis Devatine, the Director of SERECT, the live working expertise center of RTE.

The user* is specifically informed that the personal information they voluntarily provide through the forms on the site is intended for the exclusive use of RTE and its subsidiaries. This information may be used to respond to user requests, provided that the user has supplied all the necessary data to process their request.

(*) An ‘User of the Site’ (hereinafter the ‘User’) is defined as any person accessing the Site. You are currently connected to the website ‘’ accessible at the following address: ‘’ (hereinafter the ‘Site’).

3.1 Right of Access to Personal Data

In accordance with the provisions of French legislation on data protection I&L and the applicable European regulation (GDPR)*, any individual who can prove their identity has the right to access the personal data concerning them that is being processed.

In this context, any individual may obtain :

  • Confirmation of whether or not the personal data is being processed ;
  • Information related to the processing (data, purposes, recipients) ;
  • Disclosure of the personal data concerning them.
    (*) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

    3.2 Right to Rectification of Personal Data
    In accordance with the provisions of French legislation on data protection and the applicable European regulation (GDPR)*, any individual who can prove their identity may request that their personal data be rectified, completed, updated, blocked, or erased if it is inaccurate, incomplete, ambiguous, outdated, or if its collection, use, communication, or storage is prohibited.

    Following this request, the data controller will demonstrate to the requester (at no cost to them) that the requested actions have been carried out.
    (*) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
    3.3 Right to Object to the Processing of Personal Data
    In accordance with the provisions of French data protection legislation I&L and the applicable European regulation (GDPR)*, any individual has the right to object to the processing of their personal data. The requester must provide a legitimate reason to oppose such processing.
    Nota : Erasure of the requester’s personal data may prevent them from accessing all the services of the site.
    (*) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
    3.4 How to Exercise Your Rights
    To exercise these rights of access, rectification, and, where applicable, objection, you can contact the Data Protection Officer of RTE  by providing proof of your identity (a copy of a valid ID), at the following address :
    Data Protection Officer (DPO) 
    Immeuble WINDOW
    7C, place du Dôme
    92073 La Défense Cedex
    Courriel :
    In accordance with the provisions of French legislation I&L and the applicable European regulation (GDPR)*, you will receive a response within one month at the latest.
    (*) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

    4. Compliance with the Law
    RTE informs users that all applicable laws and regulations are in force on the site « ».
    The user agrees, under penalty of facing criminal and civil liability,  including not using the site to :
  • transmit by any means (email or otherwise) any content including programs, codes, viruses, etc., intended to destroy or limit the functionality of the site,
  • transmit by any means (email or otherwise) through the interactive services offered on the portal, any illegal or harmful content, including messages that are defamatory, insulting, degrading, racist, xenophobic, sexist, pornographic, threatening, or that could incite hatred or harassment, and that is contrary to the right to privacy or unrelated to the topics proposed,
  • transmit by any means, any content that infringes on intellectual property rights, industrial rights, personal rights, etc.
    Additionally, users are required to comply with the provisions of French legislation I&L and the applicable European regulation (GDPR)*, the violation of which is subject to criminal penalties.

    They must also refrain, with regard to the personal data they access, from any collection, misuse, and generally from any act that could harm the privacy or reputation of individuals.
    (*) General Data Protection Regulation
    5. The terms of use and information contained on the site « ».
    RTE makes every effort to provide users with verified information on live-line work, but cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions, or for the unavailability of information.

    Any unauthorized use of the portal or its content, or the information disclosed therein, would make the user liable and constitute an infringement punishable under Articles L. 335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.
    In the event that a user wishes to use any content from the portal (text, image, etc.), they must request prior written permission from RTE by sending a request via email to: or by writing to the address :

    3, rue d'Irlande - ZAE Joseph Else - HEIDEN Est

    Furthermore, in the context of such authorization, the requester will be required to cite the source, and RTE cannot be held responsible for the use the requester makes of the content, which they acknowledge using under their exclusive responsibility.
    6. Intellectual Property
    All information or documents contained on the site « » All information or documents contained on the site, as well as all elements created for the site, are either the property of RTE or are subject to a right of use, exploitation, and reproduction. These elements are protected by copyright law. Therefore, no license or other rights, except the right to view the information, are granted to anyone with respect to intellectual property rights.
    Data published on the portal « » The data published on the portal is public and its reuse is allowed provided that the source is mentioned. However, modification or distortion, whether total or partial, of the site or its content, by any means or on any medium, is prohibited. Any use of this data is the sole responsibility of the user. RTE cannot be held liable for any fraudulent use, which would constitute infringement under the Intellectual Property Code.

    The trademarks of RTE, as well as the logos displayed on the portal, are protected. Any total or partial reproduction or representation of these trademarks or logos, whether alone or integrated with other elements, without the express and prior authorization of RTE is prohibited and would make the user liable under articles L. 713-2 and L. 713-3 of the Intellectual Property Code.
    7. Cookies and Consultation Statistics
    Not applicable.

    8. Hyperlinks
    Hyperlinks set up on the portal « » directing users to other resources available on the internet, including those of partners, have been subject to prior, express authorization.

    However, as RTE is not the publisher of these sites, it cannot control their content. Consequently, RTE cannot be held responsible for the content of these sites, or for any potential collection and transmission of personal data, installation of cookies, or any other similar procedures conducted by these sites.

    In case of using a link redirecting to the site « » and that would infringe upon RTE's rights, the company reserves the right to take any necessary legal action or proceedings.

    9. Modification of Legal Information
    RTE reserves the right to modify this notice at any time. The user therefore agrees to review it regularly.
    10. Applicable Law in Case of Dispute and Jurisdiction
    The applicable law is French law. In case of any dispute, exclusive jurisdiction is granted to the competent courts within the jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal of Paris (France).